Reference Pictures From My Book
The book is not launched yet, however, I thought I would let you see one aspect of what the book will offer. Throughout my book, "Discovering the Secret Place - Equipping, Encouraging, and Enhancing Your Personal Relationship with Jesus," I reference the reader to this webpage to show various pictures on what I was writing about. Since you do not have the book in your hands yet, some of the following pictures may seem confusing. However, some of the pictures will be pretty clear on what I was trying to portray. In a nutshell, the following snapshots will show you various ways to spend time with the Lord. If you are liking what you are seeing here, I bet you will like the book too! If you feel led, sign up for my newsletter below to stay in the loop in when the book launches! Thank You - Ashley
Chapter 6 - A Few Pictures of My Journal
Entries When Feeling Low
Here I am around the age of 19 or 20... it was a really hard season for me.
The Lord showed up though, and He will show up for you too.
The Lord showed up though, and He will show up for you too.
I was in my younger 30's when I wrote this... I always felt bad
when I would feel jealous or I would compare. So when those
feelings came, I just shared them with the Lord. He would always console
and cheer me up.
when I would feel jealous or I would compare. So when those
feelings came, I just shared them with the Lord. He would always console
and cheer me up.
Here I was probably in my younger 30's. I wrote this in my bible.
Just being real with Jesus. I remember this was during the
time dad was sick and my mom was already in heaven. It was a tough
season to say the least... but I pressed through. Amen to amen.
You will press through too.
Just being real with Jesus. I remember this was during the
time dad was sick and my mom was already in heaven. It was a tough
season to say the least... but I pressed through. Amen to amen.
You will press through too.
Chapter 7 - My Prayer Closet
Here was my prayer closet in an apartment we used to rent. I got this idea from the movie, "War Room."
Chapter 7 - Pictures of Jesus Revealing
Himself in Nature
Here is a deer in my back yard during winter. I just love deer so very much and
when I see them I know the Lord is speaking to me!
when I see them I know the Lord is speaking to me!
Here I am taking a picture of a beautiful rainbow in the back of my house.
I had a friend over that day and we were doing art, actually the exact art
assignment I talk about in chapter 19! She looked out the window and said,
"Look!" We were both amazed. When I see rainbows it is as if the Lord is
giving me a wink and letting me know He loves me!
I had a friend over that day and we were doing art, actually the exact art
assignment I talk about in chapter 19! She looked out the window and said,
"Look!" We were both amazed. When I see rainbows it is as if the Lord is
giving me a wink and letting me know He loves me!
This picture is of my friends, "Jesus Spot!" Every morning she walks to the
lake near her house to spend time with Jesus:-)
lake near her house to spend time with Jesus:-)
Chapter 13-Specific Picture References
"Fill Me Up God" - A picture of me doing inner child work with Jesus,
see chapter 13.
see chapter 13.
"The Breath of God" - Here is another drawing that I discussed in my book.
Check out chapter 13 for more information about what it means!
Check out chapter 13 for more information about what it means!
Here is the art I mentioned in chapter 13 about drawing out scriptures. I specifically drew out Daniel 7:2-14 and divided it up into three sections because there was so much content in those verses!
"Envelopes" - Here are a few of my scripture envelopes. Go check out chapter 13 to learn how to make them!
Chapter 13-Pictures of my Art with Jesus
Throughout the Years
I was probably around the age of 24 when I did this painting. I was reaching for hope and strength in the midst of some pretty dark moments. The Lord did indeed give it to me. Thank you Jesus. He can give you strength too.
Here is a more interesting form of art, making a spiritual keychain! All of these "charms" represent something the Lord has done for me and breakthrough I have obtained.
Here is a drawing I did with the Lord. I never knew what I was going to draw when
I sat down to do at with Jesus, but this is what I got!
I sat down to do at with Jesus, but this is what I got!
Chapter 13 - Armor of God
Here I am drawing out the Armor of God! Normally I am not this "fancy!" Usually I am just drawing the stick figure with just the various pieces of armor on it. Maybe I write a couple of words here and there to go along with the drawing as well. This time I really added to the various pieces of armor and the truth I needed to hear around those pieces :-)
Chapter 14 - Pictures of Me Bringing
Jesus With
Here I am in the ER but I had my notes on the End Times to study!
Here I am in Singapore! I brought Jesus with me to a cute coffee shop!
Here I am at Mugshots, the coffee shop I referred to at the beginning of the book!
I loved spending time with Jesus there!
I loved spending time with Jesus there!
Chapter 20 - Who, What, and Where is Jesus (God)?
Here is the art therapy project I talked about in Chapter 20. This "assignment' really brought perspective and breakthrough!
With this picture above, the cross in the upper middle of the page (that is orange and yellow) represents Jesus. I am the princess ballerina holding His hand. Nothing is in the way between us! I still had things (and still do) that want to creep in at times (like loneliness, pain, and anger), but I work hard on not letting those fiery arrows come in (see Ephesians 6).
As you look at the above picture, the woman to your left represented me, and Jesus is up in the right corner with butterflies. Some of the things between me and the Lord were the eating disorder, obsession with body image, and a lot of negative chatter I told myself. Even though I had these things between us, I always loved Jesus and thought well of Him.